Woodland Rides

We’ve been making the most of the dry spell to get on top of some much needed ride maintenance. Woodland rides, whilst providing a logistics function, also provide a complimentary habitat to the woodland structure. The area below in the photos had grown over from mostly Goat Willow, to mean the ride was almost impassable on foot. By clearing the overgrown scrub, light has been increased which will promote growth of a host of wild flowers which will support a variety of fauna. In addition to that, the owner can now mulch the debris with a flail topper and clear the ditches to promote drainage.

Ideally woodland rides should be designed to be a minimum width of the tree height, with a cutting plan which allows a variety of flora to grow. However where this isn’t possible then other options may still be of benefit.

The photos below show the ride mid clearance, where the water has found it’s own path, and the finished job ready for mulching.


Sitka Thinning and Ride Improvement


Red and Roe Deer Trail Camera Clips Montage