Woodland Rides and Ash Die Back

We’ve been busy felling Ash trees which where suffering from Ash Die Back disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). It is quite sad felling such magnificent trees, however due to the proximity to public footpaths and the significant risk the public, the trees in the area needed to be felled.

However, the felling can become a good opportunity to incorporate woodland rides and glades which offer great diversity for wildlife. These areas that have been felled can be turned into such areas with a minimal amount of additional work.

The Forestry Commission published a 21 page guide in July 2005 which gives an idea what could be done as part of the obsolete English Woodland Grant Scheme. A copy of which can be found at the hyperlink below. Hopefully, the new Environment Land Management scheme financially encourages these areas to be created.

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Ash Die Back.jpg

Four Roe Does


Some trail camera images from September 2020